
TortoiseSVN for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

TortoiseSVN Abstract:

TortoiseSVN is an Apache Subversion (SVN) client, implemented as a Windows shell extension. It is a free and open source revision control application that's user friendly and customizable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Compare text documents and photographs, and create local repositories - Screenshot of TortoiseSVN
Compare text documents and photographs, and create local repositories.
Screenshot of TortoiseSVN - 727px · 553px
Choose what sits in the Windows context menu - Screenshot of TortoiseSVN
Choose what sits in the Windows context menu.
Screenshot of TortoiseSVN - 727px · 553px
Create local repositories - Screenshot of TortoiseSVN
Create local repositories.
Screenshot of TortoiseSVN - 552px · 398px
Compare and view text files - Screenshot of TortoiseSVN
Compare and view text files.
Screenshot of TortoiseSVN - 552px · 398px
Compare images and bring up logs - Screenshot of TortoiseSVN
Compare images and bring up logs.
Screenshot of TortoiseSVN - 768px · 559px